Orbis Overview on Digital Democracy

Preview of the Research Report on a Comprehensive Overview of Deliberative Democracy

The team composed of the partners of the Orbis project, involved in the development of WP2 Requirements elicitation and solutions co-creation, has completed the draft of the research document. The document presents a broad analysis of experiences and experiments in deliberative democracy activities conducted in various parts of the world.

The journey begins with a historical exploration, tracing the roots of deliberative democracy back to ancient Greece. A thorough examination of its evolution over time sets the stage for defining the operational parameters of deliberative democracy within the ORBIS research program. The research delves into and presents common practices used in deliberative democracy.

The study further investigates and highlights not only tools and practices but also fundamental principles such as participation, co-creation, inclusivity, trust, and transparency that inspire some of the most effective and widely used systems under analysis.

The narrative unfolds to provide an overview of real-world applications of deliberative democracy, encompassing both traditional methods and contemporary digital tools. The document gathers valuable insights and solutions for those interested in these topics.

Methodologies and tools play a crucial role in tasks ranging from scalability to engaging marginalized populations and the co-creation of large-scale democratic dialogues.

Stay connected for the release of the complete document on the website in a few months. #ORBIS-Project.eu #DeliberativeDemocracy #InnovationInProgress 🌐🚀